Thursday, October 15, 2009

In which it rains a lot and I drive a lot

The steady rain made the drive more tiring than usual. If it wasn't for some great tunes I would've ground my molars down to stumps before even getting to Breezewood. But on the up side, I did find a prime parking spot once I got here. Wonderful to see Piccolina again and Rocco for the first time. Oh, yeah, and Joann. We picked up right where we left off, as always. And I will be agog all weekend and beyond at the tremendous job she's done with the new apartment. It's absolutely beautiful and makes me feel very comfortable and nostalgic.

A bit disappointed, though, that because of the rotten weather I wasn't able to get a picture of my very favorite roadside attraction. On the PA turnpike somewhere between the two tunnels and one of the single tunnels, there's a large red barn with obviously hand-painted lettering on the one end. It says


I've been intrigued by this for years. Was there meant to be an S but it just turned into a classic case of fail, like we've all had when we're sure we can fit all the letters in, no need to measure, measuring's for sissies! only to be proven very, very wrong?

Or -- and I like to think this is the real story -- perhaps the fellow with the barn does have only one pigeon, and that one special pigeon is his whole world. Wouldn't that be a fortunate pigeon? And mustn't it be one hell of a pigeon, to inspire such devotion that someone would climb up on a barn and declare it for all travelers to see? Yep, quite a pigeon.

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